Now available... An essential book on Stefano Gervasoni's music by Philippe Albèra, Editions Contrechamps: Le parti pris des sons. Sur la musique de Stefano Gervasoni.

In the words of Albèra, professor of music history, analysis and aesthetics at the Hautes Écoles de Musique in Geneva and Lausanne, founder of Contrechamps and of the Éditions Contrechamps, and collaborator in various concert organisations, «Stefano Gervasoni’s music traces its path with an acute awareness. While evolving in significant terms, it retains a considerable unity. In its very fragility, it represents the dynamics of our times, which it sharply reflects: on a musical level, through an exploration of timbre that overturns traditional conceptions, through the integration within a broad range of thought, which brings into play all the parameters of composition, and through forms that combine the technique of montage and the sense of a trajectory. On a more general level, through the attention to linking his music to ethical, spiritual, political and poetic questions that give rise to an extremely rich content, and that have led the composer to exploit remote idioms, like the fado, or historical materials, like perfect chords, without ever making a minimum return to the past. On the contrary, the whole of Gervasoni’s path displays an invention that constantly opens new territories, mixing a fertile imagination with a depth of craft and a sharp critical sense. Gervasoni’s music is highly expressive and is able to maintain forms of enchantment alongside the darkest and hardest of moments. In the current scenario, in which regressive movements are gaining ground, this tenacious and unbending research gives us reason for hope».