Çë m’pe ti zog sod
a due parti, una voce intona,
le altre si aggiungono all’unisono
(e) çë m’pe ti zog sod (e)
(e) çë pe ti pe dhe u (e)
(e) pe turkun me një vash (e) (e) vasha vej tue vajtuar
(e) turku vej tue knduar
(e) shkuan ka kroj vilanavet (e) (e) tue ngrën e tue pir (e)
(e) turkut i qilloj gjum (e)
(e) zglidhi brez e mesit saj (e) (e) lidhi këmb e duar turkut
(e) kur m’u zgjua turkthit (e) (e) t’klarazit çi bëri turku
(e) sa gjimuan malzit (e)
(e) lotzit çi bëri turku
(e) zun llavin prrenjzit (e)
(e) sa m’bluajn mullinjzit (e)
Think it...
No looks
Body only
No lies
Just your breath
in my hair.
Listen with
your body –
the resilience
of / NO BRAKES /
booms in my mind.
Let it go,
take off your wig,
feel what I feel,
and if you cannot:
think it.
Can you hear the
melody that springs
from /
my sentiment
My blood’s seething,
the tone is boiling over.
My cat’s purring
softly to this song.
It starts from below my feet –
that’s what it all comes down to –
all in my feet.
No lies
Just your breath
in my hair.
Toning down the
belly of emotion.
Sdrindulaile, Sdrindulaile che bambinute
che si torni,
che si torni a indurmindì.
Sdrindulaile che bambinute
che si torni,
che si torni a indurmindì.
Une volte, une volte tu eris biele
blanche e rosse,
blanche e rosse come un flór,
blanche e rosse,
e cumo tu ses patide
consumade dal dolor.
Jè levade, jè levade le biele stele
son tre oris,
son tre oris devanti dì.
Sdrindulaile che bambinute
che si torni,
che si torni a indurmindì.